Monday, January 24, 2011

I will prevail...

Sooo...last week was sort of a tough week...I fell on my face Thursday during my run...Thursday night I tried to pinball myself across 35 during the snow storm...Friday was a bit emotional...pretty sure I had post traumatic stress syndrome from the near death experience the night before...not to mention I was in a lot of pain...and Saturday well I decided to end the week with the stomach flu! However through all of that...I managed to run...a lot! What can I say...I'm a freak...I love to run...and it makes me feel better when I do it! I think I feel worse when things happen and I don't get to fact all I could think of on Saturday as I sunk into the deep dark depths of the current stomach bug going around...was at least I finished my 10 miles! But I must say...the events over the last few days...sort of shook my faith! Was I hurting myself doing all this I need to cut I not eating the hell do I hydrate to account for all this madness! These are really questions I can't answer...but the one thing that's keeping me that I just love to do it! I am aware that running is very stressful on the body...and I am also aware that right now the thought of doing a 20 mile training run is very scary! However...I am strong and confidant and extremely motivated which keeps me in perspective...and above all...I know I can do it...and that I will be ready to do that run when the time comes! In fact I think I took dedication to a whole new level on Saturday...and I saw how tough I really was! It was so cold that the only real way to do the 10 mile run was inside on an indoor track...and 90 laps...1 hour and 50 minutes...and the onset of the flu at about mile 8 first 10 mile run was completed! And I never stopped once...I kept the pace steady...and was very happy about my accomplishment!

I think all you can really hope for is to find something that you love to do...and to set goals for your self that are achievable for you...maybe it doesn't have to be so crazy as a marathon...maybe it's a 5k or a 10k...or to walk or run your course faster than you did the week before! It's all about you and your goals and your mindset! I do have to say...and I know I should probably take my own mindful of your body and what it's telling you it needs! I know I have a tendency to listen to the runners high my body wants...and not to listen to the rest that my body may need...but I realize that about myself...and am working on it ;). It's super important to find the right that you may continue to love what you do!

"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something"
Thomas Alva Edison

1 comment:

  1. Dont' worry my dear, we are in this together and I will be there for you through all these miles! Great post! P.S. I am a follower now! Very excited about that!
