Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness,heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of; the hell with sugar and spice!

Well...sometimes life gives you lemons...and you have the choice to settle and make some lemonaid or get a little creative...and make something all your own! Over the last five weeks I have been MIA on the blog site...and sadly MIA from running!

It all started with some pain...I really didn't think anything of it...I just thought my foot was a little sore...but then it got worse!

I thought if I just took a tiny would get better...and it did...right before it got worse!

After a trip to the orthopedic surgeon...I was sidelined...for 5 weeks...with hopes that it was tendinitis in my ankle...and not a tear.

At this point I had a choice...mope around at the thought of being unable to run...or find something else to do...enter some serious swimming here!

So to the pool I went everyday...I had to...I was trying to hold tight to the training I had built up with hopes that I would be able to run the half marathon sadly I had to already give-up the full marathon.

Funny thing about that will absolutely kick your ass! I thought I was strong...because I could go out and run 10 miles...little did I know that was nothing compared to fly, back, breast and free!

3 weeks of this and I felt stronger then ever...but the pain and swelling in my ankle was still back to the doctor...for an fingers were crossed...that there would be no tear. As the days passed and I waited for the results...the swelling eased up...and the pain to! By the time I got back to the doctor for the results a week later I was almost pain free...and..there was no tear! As well...I was given the ok to run! So on Monday March 7th...after 5 long weeks...I burst out of work threw my shoes on...and went for the best run ever!

Now I slowly have to ease back into it...and over these last few weeks...I have found a new love also...swimming...that I want to keep in my life...but was great to tie those shoes back up!

Sadly...I must admit I won't be able to run the full or the half Flying I won't be able to get back into that kind of shape in time...but I have accepted that and have decided that I may be able to try my hand at the 10K the day before.

Sometimes life gives you lemons...and it's up to you to figure out what you are going to do with them!

“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.”

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