Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The hills were alive...with disc golfers and sledders

So a funny thing happens when you aren't on level ground...your hamstrings hurt! So in preparation for the ultra hilly Flying Pig marathon...and considering my last serious hill workout was probably cross country season circa 1997....I decided the sooner the better on those hill workouts! So I apparently felt the need to punish myself for the lack of getting up to run this morning...because I decided to turn my 20 to 30 minute recovery run into a 30 minute hill workout...i guess it's ok to change the training schedule around as long as it adds more challenge...not! So to Belmont Park I go to run the lower Belmont hill loop...about 10.5 minutes of sheer painful hills! It was at that time...that I realized I better do these hill workouts...way more often or I might not get past the first 3 miles of the marathon! Did I mention the snow...if not let me take a second to do so....THERE WAS A TON OF IT! Seeing as I was in lower Belmont...there was some serious drifts and accumulation...which just added to the intensity! I was going to try to do 3 loops...but in the end settled for one...I decided that dodging the sledders...the die hard disc golfers and the dogs...was taking this workout to a level far out of my relm! Bet you think it ends there right...nope! The next best hill is the Russet after I ran that 4 times...and circled my block 30 minutes had expired...and it was time to go in and change for yoga! I guess what I learned from this run...I love level terrain...I have a strong desire to become a hill running master...and I absolutely love anyone that shovels the sidewalk in front of their house!

I think I also need to give a shout out to those die hard disc golfers...I love people that show passion for any positive form!

"The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path it's fulfillment."

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